Officially Unemployed

Saturday, February 3, 2024

I thought my life would be boring once I entered the employment phase, but I'm enjoying it so far. It feels strange that I no longer have to get ready for work, and now I'm adapting to new habits. I have a lot on my mind about what to do during my unemployment. Now that I'm in Rochester, I've signed up for a gym membership at my alma mater, RIT.

It has always been on my checklist to spend a few weeks in Rochester before going back to Malaysia for good. Call me sentimental, but I love everything about RIT: the brick buildings, the scent, the scenery, and the food. Whenever I walk by the Student Alumni Union (SAU) building, it always brings back memories of being there every weekday at 7 AM for work, and it was also my favorite spot to hang out and do my homework.

A lot has changed since I graduated. They built a new building across from SAU, and they moved Ritchie (the university's mascot) closer to Global Village. Most of the new buildings look modern—made of steel and glass, compared to the older brick structures. Anyway, I still like it. Since I just signed up for a gym membership, I'm going to start tomorrow. I really can't wait to 're-live' all those memories from when I was a student. Here is the list of things I plan to do so I can leave Rochester with a happy heart.

  • Eat Ben & Jerry’s at SAU
  • Buy RIT merchandise
  • Spend time at the Surau
  • Get food from the Pakistani House at Brick City
  • Walk inside the Gosnell building
  • Get Pasta Bake!
  • Hang out at SAU
  • Get fries from Crossroads
  • Take a picture with Ritchie

I guess that's all for now. I might add some more later

Off to make more memories, write soon!

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