My Last Night at 10 Bruen Court

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

A lot has happened in the past two weeks. I finally submitted my resignation notice, and I must say, it was an incredibly difficult thing to do. It felt like saying goodbye to the dream I've been holding onto. It required a lot of courage, and I managed to go through with it. Now that I am no longer working, I have to leave the States within two months. Before heading back to Malaysia for good, I've decided to spend my last month in the States in Rochester, where my journey started.

With that plan in mind, I had to vacate my home in Albany before February 1st, which is tomorrow. As I'm writing this, I'm sitting at my desk in a small, comfy room in The Spaulding House. I've been here since I moved to Albany, spending five and a half years in this place. However, tonight marks my last night here. I don't think I'll miss this room, but it's bittersweet to actually empty it. This room has witnessed my ups and downs for the past five years. I won't miss the room itself, but I'll miss the freedom of living by myself. With only five days to pack, I didn't think much about it until tonight, and the emotions are becoming real. I won't lie; I shed a tear, just a little bit, though.

As January comes to an end, I am bidding farewell to this place – a place where I spent most of my time in Albany, a place that witnessed my ups and downs, a place I hold dearly.

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