Ayam Buttermilk

Saturday, November 16, 2019

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Time really flies so fast! We are in the middle of November now. It has been a year and 3 months I've been living in Albany. Somehow I found that living by yourself is pretty tranquil. Living by our own doesn't really make us lonely. It teaches you to be self-dependent and could enrich you in lot of aspects. I think it is a good opportunity for us to figure out what we genuinely enjoy to do and once you found it you can commit to it without feeling guilty. Some people kinda flounder when they live alone. But hey! Life isn't always full of unicorns and roses. It would be a blatant lie if I said I never wept. I sometimes feel lonesome and start to question my decision of continue my journey in the States. It is time when your mind thinks it is a good time to declare a war with your heart. Undoubtedly, all of us have our own downtime, but we gradually find our own coping mechanism as we grow. Say -- if you need someone, call the ones you love. If you feel weary of doing the same thing, try out new hobbies. The world out there is for us. For us to discover. With that strong-will, we morph into a tenacious individual! Aha! Much appreciated for coming to my very short ted talk. xD

Regardless, I don't have exciting plans for this whole month. Thanksgiving comes really late this year, and I have to wait until the end of the month to travel again. It is exciting I would say, but I hope the weather (cause snow already said hello to us last week) allows us to travel around.
Since I didn't have anything to commitI mostly spend my time at home doing what I love doing - trying out new recipes or cook foods that I've been craving for so long. Aha. This girl needs to feed herself now! Last week, I tried making buttermilk chicken. WellI've tried it before, but I didn't really jot down the recipe. HenceI decided to actually write it down so that I can update here. Sohere's the recipe!!!

Bahan- bahan:

Ayam goreng

  • 1 1/2 mangkuk isi ayam
  • 1 cawan tepung jagung
  • 2 sudu kecil paprika
  • 2 sudu kecil white pepper
  • 1 biji telur
  • 1 1/2 sudu kecil garam
Buttermilk Gravy
  • 1 tin evaporated milk
  • 3 ulas bawang putih
  • 1 1/2 sudu besar butter
  • 2 sudu kecil tepung jagung
  • 2 tangkai daun kari
  • 2 cili padi
  • Garam 
  • Gula


  1. Satukan semua bahan- bahan untuk ayam goreng. Goreng ayam sehingga rangup. Boleh double fry to make it crispier.

2. For kuah, panaskan butter atas api sederhana. Apabila butter panas, bawang putih, daun kari, dan cili. Kacau sehingga naik bau.

3. Masukkan tepung jagung untuk pekatkan kuah. It is optional. If suka kuah cair, no need to add      tepung jagung.  Kacau sehingga sebati. 

4. Masukkan evaporated milk. Kacau supaya kuah tak berketul. 
5. Masukkan garam dan gula secukup rasa. 
6. Kecilkan api dan biarkan mendidih. 

7. Apabila mendidih, tutup stove. Masukkan ayam goreng dan kacau sehingga kuah salut semua ayam goreng.

Dann siappp! This recipe is easy but, I don't really fancy part kena goreng ayam. Tapi, it is all worth it for this creamy buttermilk chicken. 
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Sambal Kering Kupang dan Tempe

Sunday, November 3, 2019

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Ola! Agak bersarang juga dah blog ni sebab lama dah tak berasap dapurku. Busy betul hidupku ye rupanya. Ahaha! Beriya! Last weekend I went back to Rochester to visit my friends and we had another get together with Malaysians there and I made Nasi Kerabu for them. That was my third time making Nasi Kerabu this year and probably the last one (?) I would say YES for this year but c'mon, Nasi Kerabu is the best dish after all. You can't say NO to that. I had so much fun going back to Rochester cause it holds thousands memories that still vivid in my mind. Rochester always feel like home. How I wish it is just an hour away. I've been there twice this year but never had a chance to visit my alma mater. A lot of things had changed since then.

Anyway, let's get back to the recipe, shall we? I went to Hannaford last week and just found out they sell tempe!!!!! Guess who's excited and almost screaming out loud cause where else can you get  tempe in the US?? Back in Rochester I always buy tempe from Wegmans but they don't have Wegmans here in Albany. Oh well, now I know where to find it. I don't even have Javanese blood flow in me but I am a really big fan of tempe. My mum used to make sambal tempe with fried tofu, tempe and fried anchovy. Whenever she fried the tempe, I wolfed down half of the fried tempe even before she started making the sambal. Oh, memories. But, I don't have anchovy here so I improvised by replacing the anchovies with kupang. So, here's all you neeeeedddd!! Let's get started.


  • 1/2 bawang holland *kisar
  • 1/2 bawang merah *kisar
  • 2 ulas bawang putih *kisar
  • 4 sudu besar cili kering kisar
  • Gula secukup rasa
  • Garam secukup rasa
  • 1 paket tempe
  • 1 mangkuk pre-boiled kupang
  • Minyak
  1. Potong tempe mengikut saiz yang disukai. Lumurkan kunyit dan garam sekucup rasa. Goreng tempe sehingga rangup. 

2.Panaskan minyak, tumiskan bawang yang dikisar dan cili kering sehingga wangi dan pecah minyak. 

3. Kemudian, masukkan kupang dan kacau sehingga sambal sedikit kering. 
4. Masukkan garam dan gula secukup rasa. 

5. Masukkan tempe dan gaul bersama sambal sehingga sebati. 

Annndddd, donezooo! Makan dengan nasi putih panas, boleh tambah berkali kali. Sambal ni takdela renyah sangat nak buat but, I always make in a big batch cause I can keep it the freezer and just reheat it when I want to eat. Easy peasy!

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